Wednesday 29 May 2013

Back to Ciara again...

Cut a cape for Ciara when I  got back from Whitechapel with Stevie's zips. It was only a toile in calico. Pretty boring job, I finished it off and went home.

Friday 24 May 2013

Lisa's illustrations for portfolio...

 "my designs are a merger between industrial designs traditional tailoring and with details from the Sami people in the north of Sweden"-Lisa Dahlgren

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Met Stevie Hockaday...

Today I just had to pick up some zips for Stevie..went to Whitechapel...

Here is Stevie's collection from the internal show. He's currently working on his next three pieces for the Truman Show...

Monday 20 May 2013

Met Ciara Monahan...Pineapple girl...

Today I helped out Ciara, a 3rd year Fashion Design student. She is doing a womens wear collection..
Ciara got through to the Truman show, so I'm helping her with extra bits that need doing to her original three outfits, such as sewing on pineapples...sounds pretty weird. 

I had to slot them all together, they're made up of 6 pieces that slot into each other, I super glued them a little before slotting them together. She had designed them on illustrator and then had them laser cut in plastic. They are pretty light, but she's having about a billion sewn onto the dress so the dress is mega heavy.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

One day to go till the show!

The day before the show and Lisa just needed a bit more help with finishing off the last of the shoes. I added in some piping to some of them and sewed in some detailing around the edges.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Embellising shoes...Interning with Lisa Dahlgren

Today I went in to do some of my own weave project, but after getting a visit from Antony I ended up helping Lisa embellish her shoes. Super gluing and hand sewing on to the shoes, it was bloody hard work. Being careful to not stick my fingers together or stick a needle in my finger. Both of which I nearly did numerous times. I stayed late in to the night with Lisa helping her do the shoes, I think they took a little longer than we had both anticipated. I was there till around midnight, until Lisa sent me home with a shoe to finish off for the next fitting later on this week.

Lisa had also just put in the labels for her shirts too-
(looking super cool)