Monday 25 March 2013

Meeting Lisa first day as a 3rd year intern

Met Lisa Dahlgren for the first time today outside COSTA in the Grove building at uni. She came across as very friendly, but she looked a little tired and stressed out lugging around a massive blue Ikea bag full to the brim with fabric and other such things like metal...
She went on to tell me about her Mens wear collection, based on a tribal theme, with neon as her colour palette. As she talked me through the collection she showed me her drawings of her 6 garment ideas, pulling out material from the overflowing Ikea bag of the different materials, matching them up the each of the outfits on the page. Some of the materials she pulled out she had already printed on with a tribal print, the material was white slightly see through and the tribal print was quite subtle, another print she showed me was fluorescent yellow with a print that had been over layered a few times that had made the material thick, she told me how the method worked and explained how she would be using it in the collection.
She explained that her Mens wear collection was going to be tailored, similar to suits. Therefor I would learn some basic tailoring skills. She showed me her main fabric for her garments, to probably be used for the jackets and the shorts/trousers. She called the cheese cloth like fabric the “Ugly Fabric”. Personally I didn’t think it was ugly at all I was just confused as to how she was going to make tailored suits out of such a thin fabric, but I decided she probably had some kind of plan to stiffen the fabric.
That day I helped cut of the fabric from the array of different pattern pieces. It was all a bit of a struggle, all the studios were full of other 3rd years and their 1st years working on their collections. So we decided the large hallway would have to do, so we sat on the floor and worked until there was a space in the studios for us. By that time we’d already cut all the fabric out and Lisa explained that I would be fusing all the “Ugly fabric” to strengthen it. I had to iron the “Ugly fabric” a heap of times to get the creases out, to then fuse all pieces before going home.

Here are some of her photos from her first fitting-

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