Monday 1 April 2013

Over Easter Weave Project...

Working on my weave project whilst on Easter break, the subject matter is The Sky. I've looked at quite a range of colour palettes for this project, due to the sky being ever changing in texture and colour throughout the day/week. I found clouds quite a influence with the textural side of weave, its really helped me to choose which kind of yarns to use and which technical patterns to use for my personal weaves.

So I'm still working on how to combine my large colour palette together, putting it into colour proportions to see how it would work in a piece of weave.
Using gouache paint, ink and watercolours, I mixed colours to get different shades of blues, oranges, purples and greys. I wanted to see which tones would work best with my research, and how each colour would compliment another or not.
Each painting could take up to an hour, although they look quite simple to paint. It would be the waiting between that would take the time up, waiting for a colour to dry so I could overlay another on top, as to not mix two completely different colours together. I think the easiest ones I have made would be the same colour ones, such as the orange one. Being that it only changes in thickness of paint to change the tone, this making it easier to overlay another tone on top of another. Adding one additional mustard orange/yellow at the end to create a divide.

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