Wednesday 24 April 2013

One day to go till the show!

The day before the show and Lisa just needed a bit more help with finishing off the last of the shoes. I added in some piping to some of them and sewed in some detailing around the edges.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Embellising shoes...Interning with Lisa Dahlgren

Today I went in to do some of my own weave project, but after getting a visit from Antony I ended up helping Lisa embellish her shoes. Super gluing and hand sewing on to the shoes, it was bloody hard work. Being careful to not stick my fingers together or stick a needle in my finger. Both of which I nearly did numerous times. I stayed late in to the night with Lisa helping her do the shoes, I think they took a little longer than we had both anticipated. I was there till around midnight, until Lisa sent me home with a shoe to finish off for the next fitting later on this week.

Lisa had also just put in the labels for her shirts too-
(looking super cool)

Monday 22 April 2013

Update on Weave project...

Whacked out 3 of my personal weaves today on the looms ...

I chose to make this weave like I have because I thought it looked like the sky of dappled clouds, with wisps of light or aeroplane paths that break up the sky . The orange yarn was not part of the original idea and is just waste yearn to finish the edges, yet I find it does actually work quite well, in terms of my colour palette and also possibly could signify the sun shining through the clouds?
Again the yellow yarn was not a deliberate choice of colour for waste yarn, yet again it works well with my colour palette. It's quite interesting to see the divide between the two different weaves here. I think this will and has started to help me in terms of how the weaves will be used within garment ideas for the end of the project.

Friday 19 April 2013

Clashing...Interning with Lisa Dahlgren

Today there was another fitting with Lisa, the teachers and the male models. Unfortunately I could not attend due to having a course lecture at the same time. Both clashing with each other at 9:00am. Lisa informed me the fitting had gone very well again and that the teachers were all very pleased with current pieces.

Wednesday 17 April 2013

After Easter and back interning with Lisa Dahlgren...

Back in the studio with Lisa today. She needed some shirts sewn together and the small tribal print on them needed colouring in with fabric pens. I set to work, colouring in the pattern with the different colours she gave me, some the shapes had to be coloured in particular colours, and some of the colours had to be mixed together to create a different colour that Lisa wanted but could not get. I had to make a kind of pattern within the pattern. It was hard to know what she exactly wanted because she was a little vague, but by the time I had finished she seemed really pleased with outcome and gave me the job of french seaming the shirt together.  This was quite a tricky job and I was a little scared to do it as this was the final fabric and I didn't want to mess it up. I very carefully started to french seam the shirt together, being sure to check with Lisa I was doing the correct seam. I finished off the shirt and Lisa was pleased with the finished piece.
Lisa had decided over Easter the shoes she would be using for her collection, we had talked about possibly using boots and smart shoes, I suggested Dr Martin shoes could look really good with the collection. However Lisa decided that she would use a plain white trainers to reduce her costs and she would embellish them to link them in with her garments. Each shoe needed to be embellished with neon threads and also a Swedish kind of braid that was made with metal string and neon fabric. Lisa decided this could be done later on and that the garments were priority at this moment.To finish up for the day I ironed some of her pieces before heading home.

Monday 1 April 2013

Over Easter Weave Project...

Working on my weave project whilst on Easter break, the subject matter is The Sky. I've looked at quite a range of colour palettes for this project, due to the sky being ever changing in texture and colour throughout the day/week. I found clouds quite a influence with the textural side of weave, its really helped me to choose which kind of yarns to use and which technical patterns to use for my personal weaves.

So I'm still working on how to combine my large colour palette together, putting it into colour proportions to see how it would work in a piece of weave.
Using gouache paint, ink and watercolours, I mixed colours to get different shades of blues, oranges, purples and greys. I wanted to see which tones would work best with my research, and how each colour would compliment another or not.
Each painting could take up to an hour, although they look quite simple to paint. It would be the waiting between that would take the time up, waiting for a colour to dry so I could overlay another on top, as to not mix two completely different colours together. I think the easiest ones I have made would be the same colour ones, such as the orange one. Being that it only changes in thickness of paint to change the tone, this making it easier to overlay another tone on top of another. Adding one additional mustard orange/yellow at the end to create a divide.